Hunters Hill High School

Opera Ad Maiora – By Hard Work to Greater Things

Telephone02 9817 4565

Participation in sport is considered an important part of the educational philosophy at Hunters Hill High School. We cater for both boys and girls at all levels in a wide variety of sports and the experiences gained in all areas are supportive of the educational aims of the school.

Hunters Hill High School supports its promise of a balanced education with a wide range of competitive and non-competitive sporting activities for every level of ability. Students are encouraged to participate in whichever sport they desire and the school will create new teams where there is demand.

Hunters Hill High School aims to provide all students with an enjoyable sporting experience that fosters an appreciation of the benefits of competition and sportsmanship, the pursuit of excellence and fulfilment of individual potential.

Hunters Hill High School students participate in the Sydney north regional carnivals and competitions. The aim of the Sydney north activities is to reflect the values and ethos common to its member schools and reinforce the appropriate components of their personal delveopment, health and physical education (PDHPE) programs.

The school offers and encourages all students to actively participate in Tuesday afternoon sport (grade sport and house sport). This is run between 12:30 and 3pm.

The school's highly acclaimed facilities include the rugby/soccer field, two basketball courts, indoor and outdoor netball/basketball courts and an archery range. Students must each choose a summer sport and a winter sport from the following list.

Summer sports

These sports include:

  • touch football
  • cricket
  • volleyball
  • water polo
  • European handball
  • softball
  • tennis
  • school gym
  • fishing
  • archery
  • table tennis
  • ice-skating
  • MAASH fitness centre.

Winter sports

These sports include:

  • soccer
  • basketball
  • rugby union and rugby league
  • netball
  • ultimate frisbee
  • Australian Football League (AFL)
  • European handball
  • tennis
  • school gym
  • fishing
  • archery
  • table tennis
  • ice skating
  • MAASH fitness centre.

Hunters Hill High School has a proud reputation of sporting excellence and has produced many great state and national representative sportsmen and women. Much of the school's success is due to the strong team spirit that is fostered by the unique, tight-knit school community, as well as its access to great facilities and training opportunities.