Hunters Hill High School

Opera Ad Maiora – By Hard Work to Greater Things

Telephone02 9817 4565

4Cs Collaboration, Communication, Critical Reflection and Creativity


As a school, we recognise that the 4Cs - communication, collaboration, critical reflection and creativity - are the foundations of lifelong learning. It is these capabilities that enable all of us to make our way through the many challenges life presents. The 4Cs assist us to engage in deep learning, establish connections and develop solutions. They support us in approaching real world settings and solving real world problems.

For the past three years, we have been on our Transforming Schools journey. As a staff, we have been developing our own 4C capabilities, as well as developing them in our students and their parents. We are supporting students to move beyond just remembering ’facts’ to making connections between ideas and creating new ones. We are enabling our students to communicate meaningfully, enhance collaboration, embrace creativity and engage in critical reflection.

Development of these skills does not happen simply or by accident. It is important to recognise that the 4Cs need to be explicitly taught, and that is what we are doing. Through the following coherence makers, students are learning the different elements required to engage in each of the 4Cs. As educators, we then embed strategies into our teaching practices that support students in continuously developing their ability to effectively use the 4Cs.