Hunters Hill High School

Opera Ad Maiora – By Hard Work to Greater Things

Telephone02 9817 4565

Misadventure Appeal Form

If you are a student in Year 10, 11 or 12 who has had an illness or misadventure which prevents you from submitting an assessment task, please complete and return this Misadventure Appeal Form to the relevant Head Teacher as soon as possible.

Absences due to illness MUST be verified with a Medical Certificate. Students who miss an Assessment Task for any reason must see the relevant Head Teacher, on the first day of their return to school, in order to reschedule the task. A Misadventure Appeal is required as explanation. Failure to comply with these requirements will see a zero mark awarded for the task.  A Medical Certificate pre-dating or dated on the day of the incident will be required for any illness – backdated Medical Certificates are not acceptable. The parent or guardian must ring the school and speak to, or leave a message for, the Head Teacher of the course on, or prior to the day an Assessment Task is due and explain the absence.

All misadventure processes and policies can be found in your Year Group Student Handbook (see Handbooks on this website).

If you are unable to attend school, please forward the completed form, with any relevant documentation such as a Medical Certificate, to the Hunters Hill High School email address, to the attention of the relevant Head Teacher, at