At Hunters Hill High School, our weekly UMatter sessions are designed to help build our students' capacity to enable them to cope with challenges, resolve issues respectfully and to develop a stronger learning community. By encouraging our students to be positive Upstanders, rather than Bystanders, we are developing a culture of tolerance, kindness and empathy.
Our students will be expected to contribute to their own wellbeing, the wellbeing of their peers and the collective wellbeing of their communities. In this way our school, in partnership with parents and carers, will equip our students to be active and positive contrbutors to the society in which they live.
Our students are encouraged to build strong rapport with their Mentor teachers and to positively participate in the UMatter sessions. These relationships are characterised by constructive interactions that provide enthusiastic and genuine support. They are important because they help build social and emotional skills and in turn, nuture other positive, caring and respectful relationships.
In addittion, during UMatter sessions, students will be expected to reflect on their Assessment results, their learning needs, and develop the ability to set and achieve goals for the future. These sessions focus on strengthening our students' sense of self, developing effective exam strategies, reflecting on good sleep habits and increasing positive self-talk.